
7 Funny Replies That Work Well With Women

Women – When you come across a woman in a social situation, you are going to need to quickly Generate Interest and attraction in her so that you can move on to the next step. The way you respond to her when she gives you some attention is extremely important. Not everyone is going to think the same way. especially not when you are just meeting them. If she emails you saying that she would love to see you again, and you think that you are a huge turn on, so you will want her to think so too, you need to quickly communicate this to her. Here are some funny replies that work well with women when you get the urge to quickly save their phone number or email address…

You can quickly reply with either of these two lines…

Counseling 101- “I don’t think you are ready to be alone.” Counseling younger women- “You are trouble in the court of widows.”

Both of these will work quickly to save any vulnerability she may be feeling from the conversation. These days, women are much more focused on the emotional aspect of things, and less focused on the physical aspect. When it comes to hooking up, the focus will have to be on the mental and emotional aspect since the physical translate once you get to the bedroom.



counselor chat line or texting will not work for many women these days, so these methods will have to fall as the second best. An older male may say these things to her, but it is going to seem like you really know her. Older women want to feel like they are being taken care of. This will likely void the need for physical intimacy with her in the short-term.

The Counseling method is effective when the conversation is still a bit uncomfortable. The conversation has merely gotten mildly awkward. Below are some things to say or do that will break the ice…

If she still is not chatting, you say you are an empath and you can feel what she is going through. This is a good thing to say since you do not want her to think that you are some sort of weird psyche freak. It also tells her that you are listening. When she put her hand on your arm, give her a light pat in the back of the arm for awhile.



This will hopefully relax her and so forth. If she is still talking about her problems, you can say something like, “Okay. I’m gonna try to help if I hear you are having problems again.” Another thing to say could be, “I can feel your pain too. I know this can be really rough for you.”

When it comes to the future, it is still hard to figure out exactly what you should say. Perhaps the last thing you want to do is to bring up any future plans or bringing up, “where we are going to live together”, or “how many kids we are going to have”. It would be best to bring up something fun and casual like how a vacation was originally planned. Casually mention an art exhibit you just went to or a movie you want to see and invite her to go along. Make sure to suggest things that you can do together and not things that have already been done.

Flirting by textingcan definitely help you succeed with women who maybe a little shy or who have also had trouble in the past when flirting with men.
